Combine the Arduino based open source digital radio control arduinodtx with an intelligent serial servo controller such as the PiKoder/SSC, an Arduino XBee shield and an XBee module to easily build a feature rich radio control.
A transparent transmission is used, so that no adjustments to the Arduino software or the PiKoder/SSC firmware are required; the full range of functions of the remote control is available.
The setup of the transmitter including the jumper configuration is shown below – for details regarding the wiring please refer to the arduinodtx webpage.
The configuration of the receiver comprised of an XBee breakout adapter, the PiKoder/SSC board and a dc-dc converter to generate the 3,3 Volt required by the receiver is shown below. For more details – including the programming of the XBee modules – please refer to the PiKoder/SSC Application Note #3: XBee Communication.
Prototyp receiver setup