Arduino WLAN RC Transmitter

The Open Source Arduino sketch arduinodtx implements a feature rich state-of-the-art RC transmitter with a serial command output (PiKoder/SSC compatible). The transmitter commands would be sent via a transparent serial channel.

Therefore, a wifi communication module such as an ESP8266-01 can be used in concert with a PiKoder/SSC wRX wifi based receiver to easily build a feature rich radio control.

In addition to the components for the basic setup of the arduinodtx you would need a logic level converter, a dc-dc converter, two jumpers as UART multiplexer and the wifi module as shown in the image above. The wiring of these building blocks is shown below (you would have connect all signals with identical names):

The setup is fairly simple and can be easily done on a prototype board. Please note that Arduino signals are shown in blue.

Then you would have to configure the transmitter’s wifi radio to establish a transparent link to your receiver radio – similar to binding a transmitter and receiver in a standard rc environment. This would be done by setting the jumpers as shown above to connect the radio directly to your computer. Please refer to ESP8266-01 Sketch for the PiKoder/SSC wRX for more information. If you would want to program the ESP8266-01 while in place you would have to add the additional components for the programmer to the prototype board.

Please note also the setting of the jumpers for D0/D1. Please make sure that the Arduino would not interfere with any direct communication with the ESP8266-01 by connecting the Arduino´s RESET signal to GND.

After completing the programming of the ESP8266-01, the adjusting of the jumpers, restarting of the Arduino and rebooting your RC would be fully operational.


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